Manørs w/ Flatline & The Fever Kings at The Cluny Newcaste 29.06.2024

Published on 1 July 2024 at 17:00

Manørs  EP Release show "Addicted" to a Packed-Out Cluny: Catharsis, Mosh Pits, and Mental Health Anthems

By Stephen Cummings ( BeardBo)

(Image: © Stephen Cummings)


June 29th saw Newcastle's Cluny rammed as the locals came out in droves for Manørs, celebrating the release of their new EP, "Addicted." Rising stars Flatline and The Fever Kings provided the support for the night.


Support - The Fever Kings


The Fever Kings provided a great warm-up for the evening with solid performance that showcased their unique alt-rock sound. While it wasn't necessarily my usual cup of tea as i tend to gravitate towards the more exetreme side when it comes to music,  But they did an excellent job of winning over the crowd and gaining some new fans. Their standout track for me was undoubtedly "Nowhere to Hide", which really showcased the band's ability to craft some infectious hooks and driving rhythms.


Main Support - Flatline


Offering up the mosh pit anthems of the evening, off the back of their monumental set at Download Festival, Flatline proved exactly why they are being touted as one of the best metalcore five-pieces in the Northeast. They actually got the pit moving during a cover of Limp Bizkit's "Break Stuff," especially with a surprise guest vocal spot from the local “Mic Lurker—looking at you, Evan Jones! Heh Heh. They finished off with muscular renditions of my personal favorite, "Deathmarch," though a minor technical problem with the bass threatened to scupper things right from the start. But what do you do in that situation? If you're Flatline—well, you just jump in the pit!


(Image: © Stephen Cummings)

Headliners;, Manørs

Manørs took to the stage at a packed-out Cluny, delivering in only their second-ever show an absolute smasher of a performance. The four-piece has certainly put in the work in the rehearsal room, as their set was tight, polished, and oozing with confidence. They launched into their first song, "Capitalise", with ease, and from there they didn't look back.


They played all their singles from the new EP, "Addicted", including the title track "Addicted", "Crushed", and "Happy Families" along with a cover of Pendulum's "Propane Nightmare" that really got the crowd underway. There wasn't a disappointingly low energy in the audience since all of them were singing along to every word.


But the standout moment came from the song that really hit a spot with me. "Change" is one of their most powerful numbers about mental health struggles, and something in frontwoman Ellen's lyrics began to strike very close to home. Others around the room seemed to be moved  her words, too.  29th of June is forever etched in my memory with the passing of my father., and I won't lie, I cried some cathartic tears to her powerful message and lyrics. It was an emotional moment, one that truly showed a small way in which music can change the whole course of one's life. Thank You Manørs


I could tell by observing Manørs perform—I don't necessarily mean playing—but they are a band really sure about where they are headed. Still relatively new, they come out with both catchy, meaningful songs. I am definitely waiting with bated breath to see what they have in store for us next and there is no doubt they will go on making waves within the music scene. Thanks to Manørs for an unforgettable night—one that I won't soon forget.


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